Saturday, December 21, 2019

Google Alert - Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing
Daily update December 21, 2019
There's talk he might appear in a Swamp Thing movie that is rumored and could get off the ground. And Justice League Dark is still in development ...
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It was a total bummer for fans of this Louisiana swamp dweller when the DC Universe streaming service decided to end their Swamp Thing revival ...
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... who've delivered previous horror-based scoops to us like Bill Murray will return for Ghostbusters: Afterlife and a Swamp Thing movie is in the works, ...
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She's essentially like a much less interesting, badly animated version of DC's Swamp Thing. Seriously though, Beast Wars looks absolutely awful, and ...
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But aside from Stranger Things, Netflix doesn't have that "water cooler" .... including the animated series Harley Quinn, the canceled Swamp Thing, ...
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Zatanna and Wonder Woman have been amazing in this run and having John Constantine, Swamp Thing and other magical heroes in a story that ...
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I just finished Swamp Thing & the only disappointment I have is that more people didn't see it or give it a chance so that I can talk about it more. I came ...
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